Hikaru (LOU) Hie
Hikaru focus is in Edutainment (Education x Entertainment) field.
She combines here 17 years of working in the corporate training and development fields in Asia with Improvisation skills to design, delivery, and facilitate impactful and highly effective training programs for regional and multinational corporate clients. Hikaru is the principal of Kyoto University of Art and Design High School which was newly opened in the Spring of 2019. Hikaru was a board member of Applied Improvisation International Network from 2010 to 2015 & 2017 - 2019. She has established Applied Improvisation Network Japan since 2009, as well as Applied Improvisation Facilitator Academia since 2015.

She has designed and conducted numerous training workshops for international organizations including Human and Communication Skills / Leadership Skills / Leadership Development / Team Leading / Team Development / Creative Problem Solving / Cross Cultural Teams / Cross Cultural Customer Service. With regular clients including IBM / SONY / Sony Information Device / Sony Chemical Device / Sony Energy Device / Olympus / Infocom / Kagoshima Information Service Association / Japan Information Service Association / Shimane Prefectural Government Departments. Hikaru is a graduate in Psychology and Art from Western Oregon State University. Japanese is her mother tongue and English is her second language.
‘When we are playful, it helps us remember things and learn from each other. It creates an impressional and emotional component that is key to building memories.’
ともに楽しみをわかちあうとき、我々は互いから学び、そして記憶 に残します。そして、それは、記憶深くに刻まれる感覚と感情の大 切な鍵となります。